The Well Fucked Wife™ Blog
Grab a cup of tea and dive into the blog on all things love, pleasure, desire & intimacy!

R is for Responsive Desire: The Dominant Type of Desire for Most Women
Over and over I get women that come into my office that struggle with desire. Their partner is frustrated, they are frustrated, and both often feel stuck in what to do about it. He might think “why doesn’t she want more sex?” and in search of the answer his mind often lands on things like “Is it because I’m undesirable? Is something wrong with her? Is there something wrong in our relationship?” And on the other side, she may think “I want to want to have sex with my partner” and because…

J is for Just One Thing: How to Focus On Just One Thing to Create Big Relationship Results
Relationships take work but that doesn’t mean you have to be drowning in doing a ton of things. That would be a recipe for burnout and disaster. Instead you want to focus on one thing at a time and keep it small and simple. This allows for consistency, which is a key piece to …

I is for Intentional Intimacy: How Depending on Spontaneity Will Kill Your Relationship
Leaning on spontaneous sex to run a satisfying sex life is a trap that many of us fall into because we aren’t given any help on how to do things differently. And don’t even get me started on …