The Well Fucked Wife™ Blog
Grab a cup of tea and dive into the blog on all things love, pleasure, desire & intimacy!

Self Intimacy: The Foundation of Your Relationship
Until this year it had been 7 years since I took a bath (don’t worry I showered!). What I mean is a nice, luxurious bubble bath. How do I know? Well, Facebook has their memory posts and a picture of a lovely bath set-up of mine popped up with the caption “7 years ago today…”. What was crazy was not only seeing that it had been 7 years since a clear representation of self-care but also…

Your End of Year Reflection
Can you believe that not only the year is coming to a close but also this decade?! As this year is coming to a close, let's make sure to not jump and skip (and maybe the desire is to run for you) over into 2020. For many with the new year coming it can be easy to think “holy cow I’m so glad the year is over!” and then to be focused on the goals for the next year. Instead, it’s important to take a pause and reflect on the last year in gratitude. Let’s slow down and

Top Blog Posts of 2019 (and the Value of Consistency)
This time last year I sat in a cabin in the mountains of Seattle with my family, snow outside, feet in fluffy socks and coffee in my hand while I reflected on my past year. I was reflecting on the concept of consistency after listening to a podcast and how it is key to all areas of life. It’s also a key value of Intentional Intimacy, but when I looked at myself and my business I realized that I was not being consistent. I thought: “How can I encourage my followers to show up consistently in their relationship when here I am not showing up consistently in my relationship with them?”.

Part 3: The Intentional Woman's Relationship
As an Intentional Woman, you have learned the tools you need to up-level your relationship and you have focused on how to build a a Healthy Relationship Bridge. You know that you are responsible for building your side of the bridge and your partner is responsible for his. But what about that connection piece of the bridge, who’s responsible for that? Let’s zero in on that part of the bridge that connects you and your partner and the energy input…

The Joy Codes: How to Live Joyfully
Have you heard of the fabulous Marie Kondo? She was quite the sensation several years ago and continues to this day with her books The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing , and Spark Joy, as well as her Netflix series. She’s all about tidying up your home by clearing out the things that no longer bring joy, and keeping only the things that spark joy in your home. Yes, it is important to have only the things in your home that spark joy but it is also essential that the things you do in your life also operate under the same concept. Meaning that you do the things that …

A Powerful Secret to Positive Change in Your Relationship
Relationships, thank goodness, are flexible. They are adaptable and able to change. I know, I know, you may feel differently at the moment but bare with me. I want to share with you a powerful secret to creating change in your relationship if things aren’t going how you want them to. And it’s pretty simple when you think about it. Simple, but not always easy. That’s were the intentional work and focus come in. I know from first-hand experience, which I’ll get into below with a story about my dog Sherlock and my Husband.

Doctor's Orders: Treat Yourself!
You are at the very foundation of your relationship. Yes, you. Without you, there would be no relationship. And because of this, you need to make sure that you are taking care of you! That means making sure that you are treating yourself positivity, with kindness and love and taking care of yourself in a way that honors you at the foundation of your relationship.

Low Desire: Discover A Sneaky Sex Drive Killer For Women
Sexual desire in women is something that can feel like it’s not as simple as putting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich together. As a woman, you are more like a fine, multi-course meal of an experience. Because your sexual self is made up of multiple ingredients, there are often multiple contributions to why your sexual desire is not where you may want it to be. It can feel complicated but I have you covered.