The Well Fucked Wife™ Blog
Grab a cup of tea and dive into the blog on all things love, pleasure, desire & intimacy!

5 Crucial Questions to Ask If You Have Pain During Sex
There are many ways that sexual desire can be blocked and having pain during sex is certainly one of them. And when there’s pain it would make sense that your desire to want to be intimate is going to float away like a balloon. The reason for this is that we avoid pain as humans at a primal level of protection (unless you are playing with pain as a way to access pleasure, such as a good smack on the butt). Since it’s important to have sex from a good, positive and pleasurable place we want to take any unwanted pain out of the picture. To start your process, make sure to as these five crucial questions so that you can begin to take the pain out of the picture and reclaim your pleasure.

Low Desire: Discover A Sneaky Sex Drive Killer For Women
Sexual desire in women is something that can feel like it’s not as simple as putting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich together. As a woman, you are more like a fine, multi-course meal of an experience. Because your sexual self is made up of multiple ingredients, there are often multiple contributions to why your sexual desire is not where you may want it to be. It can feel complicated but I have you covered.

W is for Wanting: How to Go From Wanting to Want Sex, to Wanting Sex
The number of times I have heard the phrase “I want to want sex but I don’t” has been too many to count. This is what often has many women come into my office asking for help. Their partner wants more sex and this puts them into a feeling of wide-eyed pressure and thoughts of “uhhhhh well I don’t want sex” and they feel stuck. This then creates a negative feedback loop which…

M is for Myths: Five Common Myths That Harm Your Relationship
As a therapist I see numerous relationships that are impacted negatively by the inaccurate myths that are thrown at us from the media, Facebook, porn, romance books, religion, trying-to-be-helpful parents or friends.
With the numerous inaccurate and negative messages out there that create harmful myths I want to help you re-examine what is good and what isn’t when it comes to sustainable relationships. Here are five of those myths…

D is for Desire: The Brain’s Role in Building Desire
Where desire is concerned, the brain is your target. Essentially, the more your brain is open to the idea of sex, the more desire can build. Alternatively, the more our brain is blocked, the less potential there is for sexual intimacy. What contributes to a brain being turned on or off to sex is

A is for Aphrodisiacs: How they Help (or not Help) Increase Your Desire
When someone mentions aphrodisiacs what comes to mind? Like me, you might recall a book or movie mentioning a food like oysters and the promise that somehow in their slimy midst they have special properties that boost sexual desire. Pop culture even comments on aphrodisiacs, such as in the movie Wedding Crashers when Will Ferrell give his two cents on what he believes is “natures most powerful aphrodisiac”. Ferrell was comical in his idea of an aphrodisiac but it makes one wonder - what exactly are aphrodisiacs and their role in desire?