Welcome to Intentional Intimacy®
With Dr. Chelsea Page
Sex & Relationship Therapist and Online Intimacy Coach
About Dr. Chelsea Page, CEO of Intentional Intimacy®

Dr. Chelsea Page, LPC, MS is a Licensed Sex & Relationship Therapist and online Intimacy Coach. She has supported women and couples all over the world for over 11 years. She is passionate about working with high achieving and people- pleasing women who desire to experience ease with intimacy both inside the bedroom and out. She is here for the women who are ready to break free from the need to do everything and be everything for everyone, and instead be truly authentic fully naked and free in intimacy.
A reformed people-pleaser, perfectionist and overachiever herself, Dr. Chelsea now embodies deep feminine surrender to experience sexy and secure love in her own marriage with her husband Paul. She is delighted to help you experience luxurious love and delicious pleasure!
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Intentional Intimacy® Blog
Are you ready to dive deep into the delicious world of celebration? Being a Well Fucked Wife means making every moment worthy of celebrating love, pleasure, and your own fabulousness. Forget the “good girl” rules that you need to be humble. It's time to stop …
Even as a Sex and Relationship expert, I'm no stranger to relationship hiccups. Yup, it happens to me too. Recently my hubby Paul and I had a full-blown argument on date night, but guess what? It actually paved the way for some seriously amazing bedroom action. The key? It's all about…
Let's be real – sometimes sex just isn't happening. Maybe it’s happening SOME time but it’s so infrequent that maybe you can count on both hands. And if it's not happening in your relationship, you may be asking what gives? As a licensed Sex and Relationship Therapist and international Intimacy Coach, I've seen it all, and let me tell you, it’s rarely as simple as a "magic fix." I also know from personal experience…
A new pleasure paradigm is birthed into the world when we as women allow ourselves to open and surrender to feeling the all the delicious pleasure of life from each moment to the next. From each day to the next. And each year to the next. Our life being a beautiful storybook where at the end we look back on our life and smile in complete satisfaction at how much we felt and experienced in our lives. The climactic ending being where we exhale for the last time in pure celebratory ecstasy. How do we do this though? …
Perhaps you are new to the self love journey and wondering “how can I love myself?”. Or maybe you’ve been on the self love journey for a while and want to deepen your devotion of love to you. Wherever you are on your self love journey, five powerful ways to infuse yourself with self love is to use…
Access to more pleasure is something so many of my clients desire to experience more of in their life both inside and outside the bedroom. They, like you, crave to be able to let go of the over doing and over pleasing and instead open themselves to deeply surrender into the luxury of pleasure. To feel the delicious sensations of this human experience fully. Although for many the desire is to expand and connect more to sexual pleasure, it’s also about …
One key piece for wonderful intimacy in a relationship is the openness and energy of receiving physical touch. It may be hard for you to receive physical touch in your relationship right now and this is because one or many blocks have gotten in the way. Let’s explore three ways that physical intimacy gets blocked in a relationship so that you can start to consider where there are blocks to receiving the physical connection in your relationship…
In many relationships, we often can get trapped in assumptions or assuming that our partner can read our mind. Assumptions can come from how we witnessed relationships growing up or our culture, or just a straight-up lack of actually checking in with each other about who’s doing what and where and why. It’s important as an Intentional Woman to not leave understanding and getting on the same page to change. This makes emotional intimacy in your relationship vulnerable and susceptible. This is why I suggest that in order to get everyone on the same page is to sit down for an intentional relationship discussion aka a “Relationship Business Meeting”…
Until this year it had been 7 years since I took a bath (don’t worry I showered!). What I mean is a nice, luxurious bubble bath. How do I know? Well, Facebook has their memory posts and a picture of a lovely bath set-up of mine popped up with the caption “7 years ago today…”. What was crazy was not only seeing that it had been 7 years since a clear representation of self-care but also…
Interview on Sassy AF TV!: Intimacy and sex can be a touchy subject for In Demand Women! While we want to have fun, play and be sassy and sexy, sometimes we forget to let our hair down and enjoy the moments. Our special guest this week, Dr. Chelsea Page, is a sex & relationship expert who helps women break free being everything to everyone. We talk about how to release expectations around desire, orgasm and how to have more fun with intimacy (solo or with a partner!)…
Here you are, you have already made steps into the new year and the new decade! What is wonderful about this time of year is it’s an opportunity to not only reflect on what has been but to also set intentions for what is to come. When setting intentions for the New Year many create resolutions. Others set goals. A word, however, has the power to be…
Can you believe that not only the year is coming to a close but also this decade?! As this year is coming to a close, let's make sure to not jump and skip (and maybe the desire is to run for you) over into 2020. For many with the new year coming it can be easy to think “holy cow I’m so glad the year is over!” and then to be focused on the goals for the next year. Instead, it’s important to take a pause and reflect on the last year in gratitude. Let’s slow down and
This time last year I sat in a cabin in the mountains of Seattle with my family, snow outside, feet in fluffy socks and coffee in my hand while I reflected on my past year. I was reflecting on the concept of consistency after listening to a podcast and how it is key to all areas of life. It’s also a key value of Intentional Intimacy, but when I looked at myself and my business I realized that I was not being consistent. I thought: “How can I encourage my followers to show up consistently in their relationship when here I am not showing up consistently in my relationship with them?”.
As an Intentional Woman, you have learned the tools you need to up-level your relationship and you have focused on how to build a a Healthy Relationship Bridge. You know that you are responsible for building your side of the bridge and your partner is responsible for his. But what about that connection piece of the bridge, who’s responsible for that? Let’s zero in on that part of the bridge that connects you and your partner and the energy input…
In Part One of this series, we talked about up-leveling your relationship by having the right tools, using them consistently and up-leveling yourself. This helps to strengthen and grow that Relationship Bridge where connection, love, and intimacy live. To have this you want to build your Relationship Bridge in a way that is strong and in the right shape so that it is sustainable. To understand the right formation for a strong relationship, we are going to dive into the alphabet…
Everyone in relationships right at this moment is experiencing a different stage of relationship success. Success meaning happiness that is not defined by any external source (cough*cough - tv, movies and crap on the internet - cough*cough) but instead by what is co-wanted and co-created by your heart and your partner’s heart. The creation of your relationship is an internal process, not an external process so be careful about defining things by external measurements…
The holidays are supposed to be a time for happiness, cheer and wonderful family experiences, right? For some, this isn’t always the case. The effort to keep spirits high as the snow falls or the idea of spending time with a Grandmother that constantly criticizes you might instead feel more like a Halloween horror. To help make sure the holidays remain fun, it’s important to…
Confidence is something that many seek help on, especially when it comes to sexual intimacy. If this is you then you may want to feel that when you enter the bedroom that you can feel totally good about your inner Miss Desire. But if you are like many women, you may not feel confident entering the bedroom. You may feel hesitant, worried, or have no idea what to do let alone feel confident about this part of you. Understanding the importance of…
The question of “How much sex should we be having” is one that I often get. If you are asking this question you are likely wondering if you and your relationship are at a normal frequency compared to others and thinking “Are we normal” and further “Am I normal?”. I totally get it, we all want to “fit in” and not be an outlier when it comes to anything that we do. We are social creatures and want to fit in and that means feeling normal…
Have you heard of the fabulous Marie Kondo? She was quite the sensation several years ago and continues to this day with her books The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing , and Spark Joy, as well as her Netflix series. She’s all about tidying up your home by clearing out the things that no longer bring joy, and keeping only the things that spark joy in your home. Yes, it is important to have only the things in your home that spark joy but it is also essential that the things you do in your life also operate under the same concept. Meaning that you do the things that …
Relationships, thank goodness, are flexible. They are adaptable and able to change. I know, I know, you may feel differently at the moment but bare with me. I want to share with you a powerful secret to creating change in your relationship if things aren’t going how you want them to. And it’s pretty simple when you think about it. Simple, but not always easy. That’s were the intentional work and focus come in. I know from first-hand experience, which I’ll get into below with a story about my dog Sherlock and my Husband.
I am a huge bookworm and if you are too you are in for a treat! In this post, I want to share with you three of my favorite books that I recommend to anyone wanting to understand more about emotional and sexual intimacy. There are so many books out in the world, which can make it hard to know which ones to read. Although there are certainly other great books out there that I suggest, this post has three goodies that I don’t want you to miss out on!
Hundreds of couples have come to see me to discuss their differences in desire. What plagues these couples, and perhaps you as well, is that these differences, although not a problem if you know how to handle them, is what often drives one partner into Intimacy Limbo Land as a result. It’s a detrimental place that you don’t want to be part of your relationship. In this post, I’ll let you know
If you are like me you have a part of you that strives for things to be perfect, or at least as super-duper close to perfect as you can get, in all areas of life. But when it comes to your relationship you can’t expect perfection (really we can’t expect it anywhere). I know this may be hard to hear for that perfectionist part of you, your inner ‘Miss Perfect’, but you have to have realistic expectations that you or your partner are not going to be doing things 100 percent all the time. Instead, we want to have a…
In a past post T is for Transition, we explored four areas where transitions are so important in your life when it comes to you and your relationship. A great transition means you are attending to your mind, body, and soul in a way that lights you up like the sun on the inside. This helps you to move or “transition” into different areas in your life with more energy and openness. Transitions include when
Oh emotions…
They are important and necessary in a relationship but the emotional world is often an area that catches most of us by the toe. If you didn’t have an upbringing where emotions were viewed as good, were shared, and validated then the emotional world can be seen as a bad thing you want to avoid. If this is you then you weren’t shown or told how to effectively share and receive emotions so that leaves many of us lost. Here I want to help put you on the road of Intentional intimacy and provide some clarity and safety around sharing your emotions in a way that feels “doable”- no overwhelm here.
In relationships we certainly want everything to go well. Smiles and hugs all around, right?. But it doesn't work that way. Instead, when you are in the dance of relationship with your partner, even when both of you love each other so very much, someone's toes are inevitably going to be stepped on and hurt will unintentionally happen. That’s just the nature of the dance since we are humans and we are going to stumble, fall and step on toes sometimes, even those we love a ton.
Your motivation for anything that you do in life doesn’t ever come from one sole source. Perhaps there’s a dominant reason, but because you are beautifully diverse there are often several motivations that lead us to do something, like have sex with your partner. In the previous post: 12 Common Motivations for Sex (Part 1) we got to dive into the first six of the 12 common motivations for having sex and here we will continue to explore the remaining six.
If you think about the motivations for having sex you might think well, you have sex because you want to have sex. Now wouldn’t that be easy? If that were the case I’d be out of a job! That would be like saying we eat food simply because we want to eat food. Instead each time you eat food the motivation may stem from the biological urge of hunger, or your body is craving some iron, or perhaps you want to enjoy something yummy, because you are
You may be like so many women I’ve worked with who are needing sex to feel secure, loved, and like you actually matter in your relationship. Inadvertently using your "sexy mode" to try and fix your "survival mode". You’re reaching and grabbing, trying to get your partner to …